Steps to a Speedy Slay

We have all heard it. I seem to be constantly dragged by my friends and family for how my makeup application delays their lives. But would they want me to follow behind them looking like a barely attempted to slay…absolutely not. They don’t want me to look like a bumpkin. And I definitely don’t want that for myself. I also do not believe in barely there makeup. If I am not gonna pound on the cake, I am going to go barefaced. So, y’all will never get a tutorial or post from me about “No makeup, makeup”. Not that there is anything wrong with a simple slay, just not for me. So in this post, I am going to come at you with some tricks for a complete slay that can be achieved quickly.

My normal makeup application takes upwards of an hour and if glitter is involved or my brows aren’t cooperating it can take longer. I do not want to half ass my makeup look, so I have come up with a few steps to guarantee a slay and not compromise the look.

  1. Do not try new things. At all. New techniques. New products. New brushes. None of it. Go with what you know. There is nothing worse then trying a new foundation and thinking it is gonna be wonderful and match you perfectly but you end up looking like a floating head on a body.
  2. For your eyes, make it simple. Three colors max. The way to ensure that is, to take a statement shadow. I usually end up using a Colourpop shadow and applying with my finger on my lid to simplify application. The other two shadows are for your crease and outer v. Get a nice transition color and blend everything out and place a darker shade in your outer v for definition and it will look like you spent tons of time getting that makeup look together.

    Three of my favorite Colourpop shadows. Boy Band, Weenie, Sunset Blvd. They can all stand alone.
  3. Wear a nude. I of all people know bold lips can be fun. But a statement color can get messy and run out of your lip line. Usually, I would say “oh, fine…fix it with concealer” BUT there is no time for that.
  4. Contour and bronze at the same time. Generally, I go in with my contour first and then soften up harsh lines with the bronzer. But to make it quick and easy I dip a fluffy brush in whatever contour and bronzer I am using that day.  Usually my Morphe M180 and I fluff it all about my contour/bronze places.
  5. If you are like me and color correcting is a must, do it after you apply your foundation. The blend is seamless and preps your under eye beautifully. You won’t have to worry about moving around the product and having uneven application.

I followed all the steps I listed above for this look. Took me about 35 minutes, not bad for a full on beat. And I was super psyched because my brows never twin that well! AYYY-OOO! Thanks for reading, until next time.

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