Tori Andrea

HI. I’ve been gone. My path has changed a bit. With this change in path comes a new blog name and new purpose. I want to be myself completely and share those little vulnerable, awkward ticks that make me Tori. And what better name than my own to represent my story and truths. So here we are, I am reintroducing myself and my blog Tori Andrea. My goal is to make this a fun, honest, and transparent place for me and my readers. Alrighty, so now it’s time I share some random factoids about myself…

  1. My name is Tori. I am a 26. Live in South Carolina. Lover of dogs, makeup, craft beer, naps, quality time with people I love, and the sun.That sounds like very typical things…lol. I am not embarrassed to share them, it just seems like every blogger has a similar sentence in their bio.
  2. I like dungeons and dragons! Just recently started playing. If you like a good story and laugh, you don’t need interest in D&D, listen to the Adventure Zone podcast. 10/10 rating.
  3. LeVar Burton’s podcast, LeVar Burton Reads, is my lifeblood. There is something so sincere about his voice and the way he reads a story. It makes my imagination soar.
  4. Focusing on this blog in the past has helped me with my mental health, hoping it does the same thing again.
  5. I am not afraid of bugs, amphibian type beings, or anything scaley really. BUT A MAMMAL. Something about the fur and the claws creep me out. Specifically sloths. And those suckers are super en vogue.
  6. Alternately. I love baby grinch. He’s the cutest.
  7. I only drink my beer out of pint glasses and my cocktails with a straw.
  8. I never complete all of my food, there are always leftovers.
  9. I am a sensitive little bean and cry more often than I would like.
  10. I am always cold, so when the sun is out I am basking in it. Like a cat. Which is my patronus.
  11. I have a Harry Potter tattoo like 1 in 5 millennials.
  12. If you are here for the first time and have not read any of my previous posts, I am an intersectional feminist.
  13. Rihanna and Michaela Cole are my two faves at the moment because of how fiercely and fearlessly they are themselves. I want that for myself. The ability to not question any choice or behavior because it comes from me. Working on it, getting there.
  14. John Boyega and Winston Duke, a more recent thirst discovery, are the snackiest of snacks.
  15. I am also in love with an actual person, which has been a fun journey…so that’s cool.

Welp, those are the basics. Thanks for reading. I want to come back and make this blog about more than just makeup. I want to create a space where I can talk about anything going on in my head and our world. If you feel like it, comment one thing about yourself!

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