Summer Lovin’, Myself

I’ve always been pretty preachy about self-love. And it’s because I think it’s genuinely the most important factor in growth as people. Having a strong sense of self-love has kept me from toxic relationships, kept me authentic in my journey, and optimistic about my future. I do this thing, where I fuss at my friends and family if they speak down on themselves. And I would like to believe, my gruff encouragement has helped them. But it has come the time that I take some of the advice I have been forcing on the world.

I am a confident gal. I can wear green lipstick without shying away. Because I love color. I can wear short shorts and be completely comfortable. Because thickness is the wave and my juicy thighs are life. I can smile a flirty smile at whoever I want. Simply, because I am fly and I am the only one who needs to believe that. But there is one thing that I have had an exceptionally hard time with….my cute lil tum tum. See…if I speak positively about it, it can only help me get to a good place.

It is time for me to practice all that I preach. I understand that we all have our insecurities, but what I won’t accept is my fear holding me back from what I want. And what I want is to look like a stylish angel. ESSENTIALLY, I want to wear a crop top. They fit so well into my personal style (lookbook coming soon), that I don’t want to miss out on slaying because of an ounce of self-doubt. I have bought two, and only had the courage to wear one. Step in the right direction, and I have only kind of worn it. I wore it to take photos and shamelessly share with the world wide web. I do have plans to wear it out, but it’s kind of a going out look…and I rarely go anywhere. So once I find somewhere to go, I am going to pull that crop top on and prance about proudly.

I, of course, took some eye-catching photos courtesy of my BFF, Alexis Schwallier.

Thank you all for reading, I really feel encouraged to love myself boldly because of this blog. Until next time!