Go forth and Slay…makeup tips!

Hey, frans!

One of my most favorite things about the beauty community is the tips we share with each other on the way. I have picked up things from friends, YouTubers, fellow bloggers and it makes my day to day makeup ritual seamless. So here I am, sharing some lil tid bits that I have picked up along the way.

  1. If at all possible do your makeup in the same lighting every day. Once you have gotten the light the way you want it, stick to it. It’s all about knowing your lighting. Like, you may think that foundation is blended and matches perfectly or you have brushed all of your setting powder away and you don’t look like a sad ashy mess, BUT that may not and probably isn’t the case if you have switched your lighting up recently. Once you get used to lighting you know exactly what to do with your makeup, it aids in the muscle memory. I needed to take my own advice a couple weeks ago, but I was rushing and convinced myself it didn’t matter. Ya girl was all the way wrong and had to take my makeup off and didn’t have time to reapply. Sad mess.
  2. Layer your mascaras. I am not a false lash girl but I do like thick and full lashes. And to achieve that effect I use two maybe three different mascaras. Usually, I combine Too Faced Better Than Sex and Stila Huge Extreme Lash. Trust me, do it. Go forth and slay.
  3. I know nobody wants to talk about this. But we must in order to help ourselves. Facial hair. We all have it, its okay. Mostly, I think it’s cute and soft little fuzzies. But just because I choose to find it adorable doesn’t mean I want it to disturb my foundation. So, the best way to combat that is to brush downward while you are blending your foundation. DONT BRUSH DOWNWARD WHILE BLENDING A CONTOUR. I cannot stress that enough, that will create a shadow beard. Not cute.
  4. When picking your concealer to highlight with, consider your undertones or the undertones in your foundation. My undertones are neutral so if I have a perfectly matched foundation (NARS All Day Luminous Weightless in New Guinea) it doesn’t matter what undertone I choose its preference. But my Lancome Teint Idole runs a bit golden so I counteract that with a pink/beige concealer. I love this trick because it brings the perfect balance to your face.
  5. Everyone likes to glow. To intensify that glow, place your highlighter on the highest point of your cheeks. Then, spray your setting spray. As it is about to dry, bless your cheeks with a bit more highlighter and you blind all that see you for the rest of the day.
  6. This last one is just a bit of self-care. Take selfies. Do it, look at yourself in the mirror and smile. Please please recognize the growth you’ve made in your artistry or in yourself. It’s a little difficult when you aren’t where you want to be, but keep at it! And keep inspirations around you, my desktop always looks a complete mess bc I have several things that make me smile or fuel my creativity.

Alrighty! That’s all I have for now. I think I am gonna make this a two part post because I didn’t want it to get super long. Comment below with some tips of the trade you have found to be helpful. Thanks for reading! Until next time!


This is my desktop! I know it looks like a chaotic mess but it keeps my inspo going!


When you are capable of this…


But created this not even 48 hours later. That different lighting was a crucial misstep.






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